Author: Haysa

Home Haysa
The West has chosen the outside world, celebration and pleasures. The East has chosen the inner silence. But both the alternatives are choosing half the man and some kind of misery. The inner is real – as real as the outer

The Inner Is as Real as the Outer

Osho, Could you say something about silence and celebration and life? In the west, celebration is associated with the American idea of having a good time which is synonymous with noise, loud music, watching movies, smoking, sex, and release of energy as such, while silence and serenity are automatically associated with boredom and excessive accumulation...

The West has chosen the outside world, celebration and pleasures. The East has chosen the inner silence. But both the alternatives are choosing half the man and some kind of misery. The inner is real – as real as the outer

East and West: The Inner vs the Outer

Osho, Could you say something about silence and celebration of life? In the West, celebration is associated with the American idea of having a good time which is synonymous with noise, loud music, watching movies, smoking, sex, and release of energy as such, while silence and serenity are automatically associated with boredom and excessive accumulation...

The whole of life consists of polar opposites. But those polar opposites are not only polar opposites, they are also complementaries. They are helping each other, they are supporting each other.

The Ultimate Polarity: Meditation and Love

"This is the ultimate polarity: meditation means the art of being alone, and love means the art of being together.... In meditation you breathe in, in love you breathe out. And with love and meditation together your breath is complete, entire, is whole."

The Golden Future is in our hands

Change Yourself for a Golden Future

The man who is himself, unburdened of the past, discontinuous with the past, original, strong as a lion and innocent as a child, he can reach to the stars, or even beyond the stars; his future is golden.

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