Use this time of crisis, use this door, this opportunity, and be transformed. That's why my emphasis is on individual revolution.
Author: Haysa
The Inner Is as Real as the Outer
Osho, Could you say something about silence and celebration and life? In the west, celebration is associated with the American idea of having a good time which is synonymous with noise, loud music, watching movies, smoking, sex, and release of energy as such, while silence and serenity are automatically associated with boredom and excessive accumulation...
East and West: The Inner vs the Outer
Osho, Could you say something about silence and celebration of life? In the West, celebration is associated with the American idea of having a good time which is synonymous with noise, loud music, watching movies, smoking, sex, and release of energy as such, while silence and serenity are automatically associated with boredom and excessive accumulation...
The Ultimate Polarity: Meditation and Love
"This is the ultimate polarity: meditation means the art of being alone, and love means the art of being together.... In meditation you breathe in, in love you breathe out. And with love and meditation together your breath is complete, entire, is whole."
The Childcare Revolution That Changes Everything
“Up to seven years, if a child can be left innocent, uncorrupted by the ideas of others, then to distract him from his potential growth becomes impossible…. ” Osho
Change Yourself for a Golden Future
The man who is himself, unburdened of the past, discontinuous with the past, original, strong as a lion and innocent as a child, he can reach to the stars, or even beyond the stars; his future is golden.
Who Is the Rebel? – Rebellion in the Age of Rage
Who is the Rebel, in this age of rage? The seed for the transformation of all. He means absolute freedom, love, and creativity; a totally new kind of man.