When life is a continuous celebration, every day turns into a festival. Celebration need not be on preset days only but just a way of life.
Your Civilization Is Collapsing – And You Still Won’t Listen to Osho! Mmmm?
Our survival depends on seeing our situation as it is, through the Osho lens, otherwise we will continue to sleepwalk into oblivion.
Civilizational Collapse? – When All Else Fails, Read the Goddamned Osho Manual!
Man's inner divisions are at the root of our civilizational collapse. Explore Osho's revolutionary methods and discover the art of no-mind.
Does Evolution Naturally Lead to Freedom?
With man, for the first time freedom enters. The conscious effort to decide, to act, to be, is now going to be the evolution for man.
Healthy Life – Healing Begins When You See Your Insanity
“The First Step Toward a Healthy Life Is to Accept One’s State of Unhealthiness The concept of healthy life is...
Use Times of Crisis to Be Transformed
Use this time of crisis, use this door, this opportunity, and be transformed. That's why my emphasis is on individual revolution.
Why Is No-Mind So Relevant to Today’s World?
Use the Wisdom of the Body to go from Mind to No-mind. To be in the present is the only way to experience the herenow.
Remove Lines from the Earth
The Whole Earth Is One “Only on the maps do you go on drawing lines, and over those lines you...
Osho on Rosa Luxemburg
"Out of all the revolutionaries in the West, perhaps she was more sensitive and would have learned the Eastern way of getting deeper into life, not just on the surface."
Wu Wei: Action of Non-Doing
Doing Nothing Is Allowing Something to Happen through You “Action is not creativity, inaction also is not creativity. Creativity is...
Celebrate Your Feminine Qualities
Osho, Why is it still so difficult for me to see the worth of my feminine qualities. There is still...
Listen to Your Heart and Accept Your Individuality
"Listen very attentively, very consciously and you will never be wrong. Listening to your own heart you will never be divided. Listening to your own heart you will start moving in the right direction, without ever thinking of what is right and what is wrong."
A Meditation to Make Friends with Death
“In Life, Nothing Is Certain Except Death “Death is not going to happen in the end; it is already happening....
Transform Sadness with Acceptance
Osho,There is this sadness inside me that I’m not in touch with at all. I know it’s my ego. But...
Go beyond Duality Take Responsibility for the Reality You Are Creating… Its All You!
Positive thinking can be defined as a discipline that trains the mind to change a perceived reality by repeatedly making...
Sex Is the Very Basic Problem
"Sex is the basic problem. All the habits that man has created are basically sex-oriented. That's why no society allows total sexual freedom."
Sex, Love, and Sleep – Being in the Present Moment?
Man got the idea of samadhi from two things: sex and sleep. because in both these moments, time disappears, time stops, the mind stops.
Orgasm Is Freedom and the Root of Meditation
A man like Gautam Buddha is living every moment of his life in orgasmic joy – it has nothing to do with sex.
The Reality Is: There Is No Vaginal Orgasm
“One of the most significant findings was that women have a capacity of multiple orgasm. A man has the capacity...
Meditation – a Deep Sexual Orgasm
“In deep meditation, a sexual orgasm happens – not with someone outside you, but with your own polar opposite within…...
Sex Is Natural, Sexuality Is Not
Sex Is Beautiful, Sexuality Is Ugly, and the Difference Has to Be Understood. “Sex Is a Natural Phenomenon. Sexuality is...
Melt into the Oceanic Energy of the Other
“Go to the sea, there are millions of waves. You never see the sea, you always see the waves, because...
Be a Hollow Bamboo
“This is one of Tilopa’s special methods. Every master has his own special method through which he has attained, and...
The Art of Listening
Listen to What Comes, Don’t Repress “In the twenty-four hours of a day you need to be silent for an...
Use This Meditation Technique to Transform Sex into Ecstasy
Before you move into making love, just sit silently together for fifteen minutes holding each other’s hands crosswise… “Sit in...
Use Your Sadness and Transform It
Use Awareness to Make Your Sadness Very Very Enriching “You have to work on it. It is easy to escape...
The Whole – a Meditator’s Perspective
This is a guest post from the winning stories of A Course in Meditation – A Workout for your Consciousness...
You Can Run but You Can’t Hide
“And the moment you are no more conditioned, you will not ask what is the goal of life. Your whole...
He Was Not a Thief. He Was a Kleptomaniac.
“In my university days, I used to happen to partner with a student who was a kleptomaniac. He was...
Your Civilization Is Collapsing – And You Still Won’t Listen to Osho! Mmmm?
Our survival depends on seeing our situation as it is, through the Osho lens, otherwise we will continue to sleepwalk into oblivion.
Civilizational Collapse? – When All Else Fails, Read the Goddamned Osho Manual!
Man's inner divisions are at the root of our civilizational collapse. Explore Osho's revolutionary methods and discover the art of no-mind.
If You Are Bored of Tony Robbins, Try This
I have suffered quite a lot in my life, mostly from mental health issues. As anyone who is lost, I tried to find my way back, searching for a bit of light and happiness. Believe me, I tried all.
Is the Original Sin Really Not a Sin but the Original Crime?
“You have been conditioned to hate yourself, to condemn yourself, to reject yourself…. So from the outset, rejection.”
The Child Is the Mother of Humanity – So Listen Carefully
"Dance with the child, sing with him, sit in silence with him. By and by he will start imbibing it. Help him to play meditation... Let it be a game"
How to Discover the Magical Art of Allowing?
Now we are going to give you a simple way to discover the art of allowing – what it means not to be restless, and instead just do nothing.
When Life Is a Continuous Celebration, Every Day Turns into a Festival!
When life is a continuous celebration, every day turns into a festival. Celebration need not be on preset days only but just a way of life.
Bombay High Court Agrees with Foundation:
The April 25th clarification clearly states that visits to the Osho International Meditation Resort and Osho’s bedroom are only possible “in accordance with the rules, conventions and traditions” of the meditation resort.
Osho “Lovers” Hate Osho’s Guidance
The prime motivation for the protests is that this offers its leaders an opportunity to display their long-standing animosity against the management team. In the past, these same people have invented endless rationalizations to provoke a rent-a-crowd phenomenon.
Sheela’s Crimes and Deceptions – A Documented Summary
Sheela's documented crimes and deceptions include conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, assassination plots, kidnapping and poisoning.
General Meeting – Buddha Hall – May 1989
"We are not just a religious center, religiousness will be our very atmosphere, but we are now going to make a greater expansion."