Author: Anahad

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Catastrophe Chronicle

Catastrophe Chronicle – 2023

“We are on the deathbed. Humanity cannot survive – the way it has been behaving with nature – for more than fifty years, sixty years, or, at the most, one hundred years, which is nothing. If the Third World War does not happen, then we will be committing a slow suicide. Within a hundred years,...

Man's Bondage Is of Man's Own Making

Is Anyone Not in a Prison?

Man's bondage is of man's own making. The truth is that most of us spend our lives creating prisons for ourselves.

Basho - What Does It Mean to Do Nothing?

What Does It Mean to Do Nothing?

To do nothing, non-doing, allowing, is the essence of meditation. As Basho says: "Sitting silently, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."

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