Man and Woman – Two Polarities, Mysteries Happen

women's liberation

“I did not say that man has nothing to offer. He has much to offer. In fact all science, all technology is going to be man’s offering to existence, but he has to remember that the works of the intellect and reason are not the highest creations of man. The higher creations come from the heart, in songs, in music, in poetry, in dances. Unless you can celebrate, what use is all scientific progress? And without a woman, there is no celebration.”

“You put a hundred men together and they will all be serious. Just bring one woman in and immediately all their eyes start sparkling, they become interested.

Life starts being juicy; something is going to happen. Man without woman is half, and woman without man is half. They are part of one whole.

“I did not say anything in favor of men, because men have done so much wrong to women that now it is better not to say anything about men’s talents and genius. It is better to bring out the women’s genius and talents. It is simply a compensation.

“I know there are a few things which only men can do, and there are a few things which only women can do. And that makes life more beautiful and more attractive.

Between these two polarities life becomes a magnetic pull. Between these two polarities of man and woman many mysteries happen. The whole romance of life, the whole poetry of life is because of the polarity of man and woman.

“But man has ruled over women for millennia. He has been given every opportunity and chance and woman has been repressed continuously, has been crippled. She has not been allowed to compete with man shoulder to shoulder in life. That’s why we don’t know how many Gautam Buddhas on the women’s side did not get the opportunity to blossom. We don’t know how many Albert Einsteins have simply been denied any possibility for growth.

“It is a very strange thing that even dimensions like poetry, music, dance are dominated by men. The greatest dancers in the world have been men, not women. In fact, women should have been ahead of any male dancer. But one needs opportunity. One needs education, one needs training. If you bar the whole of womankind from education, training, discipline, you are making the whole society and the whole world poor, unnecessarily poor.

My emphasis is to give respect to women – and equality is not against men.

It is a world which belongs to you both and you both have to be together to make it as beautiful and as divine as possible.

Man alone has been creating only wars. In three thousand years, five thousand wars, Is life just to fight? Is life just to kill, massacre, rape? Your whole history is full of murder and you call those murderers your great men. Alexander the Great… And you don’t see that small murderers are being jailed, sentenced to death, but big murderers become your heroes. It is because the woman has been completely cut off from contributing anything to life; otherwise there would not have been so many wars.

No woman is interested in war, it is simply against the feminine nature.

She is interested in love, she is interested in a beautiful house, she is interested in a beautiful garden around the house. She is interested in small things, but those small things make life worth living. She is not interested in creating atomic weapons, nuclear missiles. She cannot understand what man goes on doing. Is he insane or something?”

Half of humanity is dying of starvation and the politicians who are all men and the generals who are all men go on piling up nuclear weapons. They have already more than they need – seven hundred times more than they need to destroy this whole world. All that is living on the earth – trees, birds, animals, human beings, anything that is living – we have already seven hundred times more than enough material to destroy it. And still they go on piling it up. Do you think this is sanity when half the human race is dying of starvation?

This is happening because man alone has been contributing to existence.

“He has not the compassion of a woman; he has only the hardness of a man. He does not allow the softness of woman to influence world affairs. We need a very balanced life, in which the man and the woman contribute equally. Life will be more peaceful, more lovable, more joyous. It will become a tremendous celebration. And in that celebration, my hope is we will be able to go beyond the ordinary, mundane enjoyment into the cosmic bliss, into sat-chit-anand – into truth, into consciousness, into bliss.”

Excerpted from Osho, Sat Chid Anand – Truth-Consciousness-Bliss, Talk #26 – The Materialist and the Spiritualist

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