This is a guest post from the winning stories of A Course in Meditation – A Workout for your Consciousness by Linda G.
I have been meditating for the past 3 years.
The day that I started the Osho Course in Meditation at the beginning I felt like something was wrong; it was not like the ones before I had done! But I kept doing it and every second it grew on me.
Osho gave me what no other did! Tools to meditate, to stop my thoughts, to let go the anger, to learn how to go inside by looking to a point without closing your eyes!
I would describe this course of meditation like the ABC of meditation!
In my line of work I deal with pain and suffering every single day! If I didn’t have the tools to quiet my mind and to let go the everyday life drama, I truly believe I wouldn’t be able to do my job.
Thank you to Osho for your wonderful teachings! Namaste!
– Linda G.