Meditation Is The Only Key To Real Transformation
“Doing can give you excitement. Being can give you ecstasy. Excitement is very mundane, very ordinary – any idiot can afford it. You are not an idiot, you are an intelligent being. So first, I am not saying that you have to change from doing to being; I am saying, first at least have a little taste of being, and then you are free to choose. I am certain that nobody has ever chosen doing, once he has known being.
“It does not mean that the man of being becomes useless, that he stops doing things. No; the man of being does things more beautifully, more gracefully, more aesthetically. The man of being transforms his doings from their mundane quality into something sacred. So there is no opposition. It is not a question of choosing; it is not a question of to be or not to be.
“When you know only doing, you are unaware of your great potential. I want you to know being too. And it will not destroy your doing, it will simply beautify it. It will make each act a prayer, each act an art, each act a deep fulfillment. Being will flow through your doing; it will make your life more colorful. Otherwise, soon you will get fed up with your doings because they are the same again and again, again and again – how long can you remain excited about them? But if your doing flows from your being, then each doing has a different flavor, a different individuality, a different fragrance.
You will get fed up with your doings because they are the same again and again. How long can you remain excited about them? But if your doing flows from your being, then every action has a different flavor, a different individuality, a different fragrance
“Doing is superficial. And the whole society teaches you to be a doer, nobody is concerned with your being. Otherwise being is your deeper nature. There is no antagonism between doing and being; being will bring depth, significance, to your doings.
“Be a meditator, and then whatever you do – you can be a rebel, you can be a warrior – the world will not be harmed by you, the world will be beautified by you. And that is the only gratitude we can show to existence. When you leave the world, leave it a little better than when you entered into it – just a little better, just a little more beautiful, a little more humane, a little more loving, a little more colorful, a little more holy.
“To me there is no contradiction between a meditator and a warrior, but the priority is for the meditator. Only a meditator can be relied upon: – that the sword in his hand is not going to destroy but to save; that the power that he has come to feel through meditation is going to be a creative energy, so whatever he touches is going to become gold.
“I want you all to become magicians – magicians in the sense that your meditation will transform everything you touch. Without meditation, whatever you do is futile.”
To continue reading and see all available formats of this talk:
Osho, The Rebellious Spirit, Talk #29 – When Buddhas Rebel