Donald Trump offers another speech full of lies and distortions to convince American voters that “crooked Hilary” is a “world-class liar.”
Another male chauvinist beating his chest and pumping his fists to persuade a gullible populace, Wilhelm Reich’s “Little Man,” with the usual rhetoric, essentially declaring that I am your man – follow me and we will win. Manipulating what the Nobel laureate, Czeslaw Milosz, called “The Captive Mind” with breathtaking disregard for the facts.
This is an ancient deception. These bloated male egos have led humanity where exactly? Into millennia of wars and violence rather than peace. Into a world divided by race, by indoctrinated beliefs in the mind and artificial lines on the map. Into competition rather than cooperation. Into destruction rather than creativity. Into the conquest of nature rather understanding that we are part of nature, into the mind over the heart, into logic over love.
Just about everything has been dominated by the masculine view. Whether it is politics, religion, business, the military, the law, the media – men have been running the show, since forever. Not to mention the terrorist organizations, the drug cartels, the mafia, the human trafficking organizations, the individual violent criminals, the rapists…. Hello! Has mass hypnosis made us that unconscious of the obvious?
The female majority has been largely excluded from any influence in the direction of our world. The feminine qualities, whether in men or women, have been denigrated, abused, humiliated – or ignored.
So, what is the end result of all these masculine qualities? A violent, divided world – drowning in displaced, homeless, hungry, poor people – that is close to self-annihilation through global warming or a nuclear winter.
Good try guys! Or, as our favorite male boss might say, “You’re fired.”
Insanity has been defined as, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Before we wipe ourselves off the face of the Earth, would anybody be so bold as to suggest doing something different?
Osho explains exactly what and why:
“The long condemnation of feminine qualities has gone deep into the blood and the bones of women. It is man’s conspiracy to prove himself superior to women – which he is not.
“Man is deep down aware of the fact that the woman has something which he does not have. In the first place the woman is attractive to him, she looks beautiful. He falls in love with the woman, the woman becomes almost an addiction to him – and that’s where the trouble arises.
“The feeling of dependence on women, which every man feels, makes him react in such a way that he tries to manage the woman as a slave – spiritually a slave. He’s also afraid because she is beautiful. She is beautiful not only to him – she is beautiful to whomever looks at her, to whomever comes in contact with her. Great jealousy arises in the egoist, male chauvinist mind….
“In India, there are religious scriptures… and they suggest that if you want to have peace in your house, giving a good beating to the woman once in a while is absolutely necessary. She should be kept almost imprisoned. And that’s how she has lived – in different cultures, different countries, but her imprisonment has been almost the same…. Because men condemned woman – and they had to condemn her to keep her in control – they reduced her almost to a subhuman category. What fear must have led man to do this? – because it is sheer paranoia….
“Man continuously compares and finds the woman superior. For example, in making love to a woman, a man is very inferior because he can have only one orgasm at a time while the woman can have at least half a dozen, a chain – multiple orgasms. Man simply feels utterly helpless… so he has tried not to give her even the first orgasm. The taste of the orgasm can create danger for him.
“If the woman knows what orgasm is, she is bound to become aware that the one orgasm is not satisfying; on the contrary, she is more thirsty. But the man is spent. So the most cunning way is not to let the woman know that anything like orgasm exists in the world….
“It seems to be a conspiracy. Vatsyayana, the first man in the history to write about sex energy, to explore it in a scientific way, wrote the first treatise on sexology five thousand years ago – Kamasutras, aphorisms on sex. He has gone into the subject as deeply as possible from all directions… but even Vatsyayana does not mention orgasm. That is simply unbelievable – that a man who inquired so deeply into sex did not come across the fact of orgasm.
“No, my feeling is that he is hiding a fact – and to hide any fact is a crime, because that means you allow the false to continue as if it is the truth. And it is not an ordinary fact concerning chemistry or geography; it is something which is the most important in human life.
“The experience of orgasm not only gives you the ultimate pleasure that the body is capable of, it also gives you the insight that this is not all. It opens a door. It makes you aware that you have been unnecessarily looking outside; your real treasure is within.
“Meditation was discovered by people who had deep orgasmic experiences. Meditation is a byproduct of orgasmic experience. There is no other way to first find meditation…. Orgasm brings you naturally into a state of meditation – time stops, thinking disappears, the ego is no more. You are pure energy. For the first time you understand: you are not the body and you are not the mind; you are something that transcends both – a conscious energy.
“And once you enter into the realm of conscious energy, you start having the most beautiful experiences of life, the lightest, the most colorful, the most poetic, the most creative. They give you fulfillment and contentment on the one hand – as far as the body, the mind, and the world are concerned.
“On the other hand, they create a tremendous, divine discontentment. Because what you have experienced is great, but the very experience of it makes you certain, for no reason at all, that there must be greater experiences ahead. Before you knew anything about orgasm, you had never dreamed about it; now you know it. This is going to become an incentive to seek and search: Is there anything more juicy, more blissful, more psychedelic than any psychedelics can deliver to you?
“This search led man toward meditation.
“It was a simple insight into the orgasmic experience.
“What happens? – time stops, thinking disappears. The feeling of “I” is no more there. There is a feeling of isness – pure, existential – but there is no ego attached to it. I, me, mine – they have all been left far behind. This gives you the clue for meditation. If you can manage a transcendence of time, a transcendence of mind, you will be entering into an orgasmic space alone – without a woman, without a man.
“To be exactly true, meditation is non-sexual orgasm. But half of humanity has not known orgasm for centuries. And because the woman has not known orgasm, you should not think that man has been in a better position. Not giving orgasm to the woman, he has to lose his own orgasm too….
“The woman’s sexuality is something very great. Man is finished within a few seconds; the woman is not even warmed up. Man is in such a hurry – as if he is doing some duty for which he is paid and wants to finish it quickly….
“The woman was warming up and the man is finished – not that he has attained orgasm; ejaculation is not orgasm. The man turns on his side and goes to sleep. And the woman – not one woman but millions of women are crying tears after men have made love to them because they have been left in a limbo. You have encouraged them and before they can come to a conclusion, you are out of the game….
“In not allowing the woman the first orgasm, the man has to learn to finish as quickly as possible. So the woman has lost something tremendously beautiful, something sacred on the earth – and the man has lost.
“Orgasm is not the only thing in which the woman is powerful. Everywhere in the world the woman lives five years longer than the man; her average age is five years more than the man’s. That means she has more resistance, more stamina. Women are sick less than men. Women, even if they are sick, heal themselves more quickly than men. These are scientific facts.
“One hundred and fifteen boys are born while one hundred girls are born…. By the time they are marriageable… only one hundred boys and one hundred girls will be left. Girls don’t die easily.
“Women don’t commit suicide as much as men; men’s suicide rate is double…. As far as murder is concerned, the difference is vast. Man commits murder almost twenty times more; a woman, very rarely….
“And still, after all these facts established by science, the superstition continues that man is stronger. Only in one thing is he stronger and that is that he has a muscular body. He is a good manual worker.
“Otherwise, on every point he feels – and he has felt for centuries – a deep inferiority complex. To avoid that complex, the only way is to force the woman into an inferior position. And that is the only thing that is more powerful in man: he can force the woman. He is more cruel, he is more violent, and he has forced the woman to accept an idea which is absolutely false: that she is weak.
“And to prove that the woman is weak, he has to condemn all the feminine qualities. He has to say that they are all weak, and all those qualities together make the woman weak.
“In fact, the woman has all the great qualities in her. And whenever a man becomes awakened, he attains to the same qualities which he has been condemning in women. The qualities that are thought to be weak are all the feminine qualities. And it is a strange fact that all the great qualities come into that category. What is left are only the brutal qualities, animal qualities.
“The woman is more loving…. Love has its own strength. For example, to carry a child in the womb for nine months needs strength, stamina, love. No man could manage it. An artificial womb could be placed in man – now scientific technology has come to the point where man could have a plastic womb implanted but I don’t think he could survive nine months! – they are both going to jump into the ocean….
“I don’t think there is any man who can have a pregnancy or who can bring up children. It is the strength of the woman. But it is a different strength. There is one strength which is destructive, there is another strength which is creative. There is one strength which is of hatred and there is another strength which is of love.
“Love, trust, beauty, sincerity, truthfulness, authenticity – these are all feminine qualities, and they are far greater than any qualities that man has. But the whole past has been dominated by man and his qualities.
“Naturally in war, love is of no use, truth is of no use, beauty is of no use, aesthetic sensibility is of no use. In war, you need a heart which is more stony than stones. In war, you need simply hate, anger, a madness to destroy.
“In three thousand years, man has fought five thousand wars. Yes, this is also strength but not worthy of human beings. This is strength derived from our animal inheritance. It belongs to the past, which is gone.
“The feminine qualities belong to the future, which is coming.”
Osho addresses women directly:
“There is no need to feel yourself weak because of your feminine qualities. You should feel grateful to existence that what man has to earn, you have been given by nature as a gift. Man has to learn how to love. Man has to learn how to let the heart be the master and the mind be just an obedient servant. Man has to learn these things. The woman brings these things with her, but we condemn all these qualities as weaknesses….
“The women’s liberation movement has to learn one fundamental thing: that is not to imitate man and not to listen what he says about feminine qualities, the feminine personality. The feminine qualities are clear….
“I don’t mean that someone is superior and someone is inferior. I mean that they are unique. Women are women and men are men; there is no question of comparison. Equality is out of the question. They are not unequal and neither can they be equal. They are unique. Rejoice in your feminine qualities, make a poetry of your feminine qualities. That is your great inheritance from nature….
“And if men and women both can live these qualities, the day is not far away when we can transform this world into a paradise…. Then only can wars disappear. Then only can marriage disappear. Then only can nations disappear. Then only can we have one world: a loving, a peaceful, a silent and beautiful world.
By Dr. John Andrews for OSHO Times International.
This article has been published in the HuffPost, India
To continue reading and see all available formats of this talk:
Osho, Sermons in Stones, Talk #17 – The Poetry of the Feminine