Meditation is a state of no-mind.
“Meditation is a state of pure consciousness with no content. Ordinarily, your consciousness is too full of rubbish, just like a mirror covered with dust.
The mind is a constant traffic: thoughts are moving, desires are moving, memories are moving, ambitions are moving.
“It is a constant traffic, day in, day out. Even when you are asleep the mind is functioning. It is dreaming, it is still thinking; it is still in worries and anxieties. It is preparing for the next day; an underground preparation is going on. This is the state of no meditation – meditation is just the opposite. When there is no traffic and thinking has ceased, no thought moves, no desire stirs, you are utterly silent, that silence is meditation and in that silence truth is known, and never otherwise. Meditation is a state of no-mind.
You cannot find meditation through the mind because mind will perpetuate itself.
“You can only find meditation by putting the mind aside, by being cool, indifferent, unidentified with the mind; by seeing the mind pass, but not getting identified with it, not thinking ‘I am it.’
“Meditation is the awareness ‘I am not the mind.’ When the awareness goes deeper and deeper in you, slowly, slowly, a few moments arrive – moments of silence, moments of pure space, moments of transparency, moments when nothing stirs in you and everything is still. In those still moments you will know who you are, and you will know what the mystery of this existence is.”
To continue reading and see all available formats of this talk:
Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Series 2, Talk #5 – A Totally New Dimension