Use This Meditation Technique to Rechanneling Your Sex Energy

Use This Meditation Technique to Rechanneling Your Sex Energy

“…Sit straight – on a chair or on the floor – with the spine straight but loose and not tense…

“Inhale slowly and deeply. Don’t be in a hurry; very slowly go on inhaling. The belly comes up first; you go on inhaling. The chest comes up next and then finally you can feel that the air is filled up to the neck. Then for a moment or two just keep the breath in, for as long as you can without straining, then exhale. Exhale also very slowly but in the reverse order. When the belly is being emptied, pull it in so that all the air goes out. This has to be done just seven times.

“Then sit silently and start repeating, “Om …om…om.” While repeating “Om” keep your concentration on the third eye spot between the two eyebrows. Forget about the breathing and go on repeating in a very drowsy way, “Om…om…om…” like a mother sings a lullaby so the child goes to sleep. The mouth should be closed, so that the tongue is touching the roof of the mouth and your whole concentration is on the third eye. Do this just for two or three minutes and you will feel that the whole head is relaxing. When it starts relaxing you will immediately feel inside that a tightness is dropping, a tension is disappearing.

“Then bring your concentration down to the throat; go on repeating “Om” but with your concentration on the throat. Then you will see that your shoulders, your throat and your face are relaxing and that the tension is falling away like a burden dropping; you are becoming weightless.

“Then drop deeper, bringing your concentration to the navel and continuing the “Om.” You are going deeper and deeper and deeper. Then finally you come to the sex center. This will take at the most ten minutes or fifteen minutes, so go slowly; there is no hurry.

“When you have reached the sex center the whole body will be relaxed and you will feel a glow as if some aura or some light is surrounding you. You are full of energy but the energy is like a reservoir; full of energy but with no ripples. Then you can sit in that state as much as you like.

“The meditation is over; now you are simply enjoying. Stop the “Om” and simply sit. If you feel like it you can lie down, but if you change your position the state will disappear sooner, so sit a little and enjoy it.

 “The whole point is that when your body becomes too tense for any reason at all, just do it and it will give you total relaxation.”

To continue reading and see all available formats of this talk:
Osho, Hammer on the Rock, Talk #15 – After the Dark Night Is the Dawn

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