The Reality Is: There Is No Vaginal Orgasm

The Reality Is: There Is No Vaginal Orgasm

“One of the most significant findings was that women have a capacity of multiple orgasm. A man has the capacity of only a single orgasm. The difference is so great that once a woman knows what orgasm is, no man can satisfy her.

“Perhaps that is the reason why for centuries the woman has not been allowed to have even a single orgasmic experience. It was easy to avoid it, because the woman has no vaginal orgasm; hence she can produce children without orgasm. Man can make love to a woman and yet prevent the orgasmic experience happening to her.

She has a totally different organ, the clitoris, which has nothing to do with making love. It is a separate growth. So one can become a mother of a dozen children and not know at all the experience of sexual climax, because the vagina is absolutely insensitive. It has to be insensitive for the simple reason that the child has to be born – if the vagina was sensitive, childbirth would be an absolutely unbearable pain. Even though the vagina is not sensitive, childbirth is still a great pain.

“It is natural and very logical and scientific that the vagina should be insensitive, so that when the child is born the woman is not in much pain. The pain depends on your sensitive organs. The vagina is a blind spot; on the body you have many blind spots. You will be surprised to know that inside your skull where the brain is placed, it is absolutely insensitive. One would never have thought that the brain is our most significant organ and it is in a place, inside the skull, which is absolutely insensitive….

“For thousands of years, man has believed that the woman has a vaginal orgasm. It was believed all over the world. There was no way of checking it, and perhaps man never wanted to explore the fact, because if the woman becomes aware that she has a separate organ for having orgasm, she becomes free of man. It is part of her slavery to keep the idea floating in her mind that there is only vaginal orgasm.

“So when, in the beginning of this century, the function of the clitoris was discovered, it was a tremendous boost to the women’s liberation movement – because the woman became aware, in the West, that for sexual pleasure she does not have to be dependent on men; that basic slavery is not a necessity anymore.

I had said that day that the woman has no vaginal orgasm. Anand Nadam has asked today, ‘There are scientific researchers who say that the woman has a point in her vagina called the G-point, which is sensitive and which has the capacity of orgasm.’

“It is not something new. For almost this whole century, since the function of the clitoris has been discovered, even a man like Sigmund Freud continued to say that the woman may have clitoral orgasm, but that it is not important – the important orgasm is vaginal. He could not deny the clitoris, but he could not deny the vaginal orgasm either.

“And since then there have been researchers who have insisted that the woman has two sensitive organs for having sexual orgasm. But the greatest researchers have found that the vagina cannot have this sensitivity by its very nature, because it is going to be used in giving birth to children. It cannot have any sensitive part which can give orgasmic pleasure; then giving birth to the child would not be painful, it would be great pleasure, which even a man cannot give to a woman by making love. The birth of a child would be such a tremendous orgasmic pleasure.

The reality is: there is no vaginal orgasm.

“But why do a few scientists go on insisting on it? Now they have started talking about some imaginary G-point. It is absolutely absurd, according to me, because it goes against the very nature. Childbirth prevents the vagina from having any sensitive point, and particularly an orgasmic point.

“But why do these few researchers go on insisting, again and again? The reason is that these are male chauvinists. Just being a scientist does not mean that you have gone beyond your male chauvinistic ideas. They still want to emphasize the fact that for sexual pleasure the woman is dependent on the man. This is possible only if there is that imaginary G-point.

“Now, Nadam had asked in the question, “What do you say about the G-point?” I am not a scientist. I am not a sex researcher. This is not my business.

“My logic was simple and natural. I have looked at both the researches and I agree with those who say that the woman has only clitoral orgasm. It seems to me that these people are more authentic, more sincere. They are more interested in the truth than in the supremacy of man over woman. And I am absolutely against any supremacy, either of man or woman. They are both unique, and both are independent.

Nobody is dependent for his or her pleasure on the other. If they share, it is beautiful. If they don’t want to share, they are both independent. Man can have sexual orgasm without a woman, but he is not ready to allow the woman to have the sexual orgasm without him.

“I am simply making a logical point; I have no vested interest in the woman having a G-point or an X-point – she can have the whole alphabet! It is not my interest at all. But I can see the cunningness of a few people who are even scientists, but their mind and their approach is not scientific, it is not logical – it does not convince me.”

To continue reading and see all available formats of this talk:
Osho, The New Dawn, Talk #11 – What Is Your Love?

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